Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Adversity of the Youth

We often use to listen children are the future of the country. Having grown up they will be leaders and will serve the country. There is no doubt about it because they really are, but it is very early and easy to say them such big words because of their age and ignorance from world's reality. Anybody can say anything to them. They will never contradict what elder say about them, on the contrary; they will be very happy to listen these.
Gradually they are brought up. They are sent to school, School to high school, High school to college and finally, college to university.
Now, they are not children but youth. They begin to move here and there in the search of job because after completion of study, parents stop to provide expenses of everyday life.  Therefore, they appear in the many competitive exams and take many interviews for being settled and self-dependent in their life. Some of them get success in their efforts and those whose parents have money power and have political or administrative contact, also become eligible to get job without having adequate qualification and many remain jobless in spite of having sufficient knowledge for a job. The jobless person gets marry soon because of their parent’s pressure and then because of family burden and pressure they begin to do the job of watchman, drainage cleaner, daily labor or become compel to pull the auto rickshaw for surviving their life. Many unemployed youth who have patience and belief on themselves  keep on searching satisfactory job because they  do not like above mention job in spite of having graduate…… or other higher degree, and wait for some more years.  Finally, it is decided to commit suicide by many of them, if they become failure to find even a small job.
Now, question is “where is the future of society/country and leaders of tomorrow?” who is responsible for this, Society/government or themselves?
Because the youth who are doing the job of drainage cleaner or other works which are based on daily wage and who are committing suicide in spite of having higher degree such as graduate and some other higher qualification, are the same person who had been told in the childhood that they are the future of country and leaders of tomorrow.
How long this adversity of youth will run, none of us know and can predict. So it is still up to youth, how will they change their adversities into success for prosperous career in the life?
So let’s decide right path and be self-reliance for own future


  1. Its really worth reading...a rare study has been done on this topic.

  2. Nice bro I like you article. You touched the big aspects on Adversity of the youth in this small article.keep on writing bro...
